Broken Area - Episode 4, Don't Distract Me While I Edit Wikipedia

Another week, another episode. I really am loving being back at this.
Anyway, today we talked about a few things, including an update on the post fire repairs, a discussion of why some people are jerks at work and if google is making us stupid.....
We hope you like Eipsode 4.

Broken Area,
Dave Brodbeck,
Isabelle Michaud,
Podcast in
Broken Area

Reader Comments (2)
Although I won't be around to witness her demise, I can guarantee that Isabelle will not die alone in a ditch!
HI, and thank you for the kind words! :)
I don't think, myself, that it's the internet that makes people sloppy with language or other intellectual pursuits--I think it's just not wanting to go to the trouble of actually thinking or learning, because that is work.
F'instance: When I was working in publishing houses, more than ten years ago, and the internet was considerably less ubiquitous, I used to get manuscripts that had been edited by professional, in-house editors who didn't know the difference between "flout" and "flaunt" (and, on one memorable occasion, tried to use a dictionary to show me I was wrong and couldn't grasp the fact that it showed that I was, in fact, correct); who though "alright" was an acceptable way to spell "all right"; and who seemed to assume that if the spell checker didn't highlight a word, it must be the right one. (And don't even get me started on the mistakes that successful authors perpetrate!)
Even more to the point, students now are supported in their wish to take no responsibility at all by their parents. While I was teaching t'ai chi in a local college, I had students have their parents write me notes to get them excused from class. A GYM CLASS. College students. Their parents. Worse, their parents wrote them! I can only assume they are going to be kept busy when--if--these kids get their first jobs, asking their bosses to excuse them from completing projects by the required date.
No computers/internet necessary.
Maybe we could hear some more ukulele some time, Isabelle? :)