Broken Area - Episode 5, Hearts and Minds

We sat down to talk about various things last night. Everything from how wikipedia editing works to the importance of food to health.
We hope you enjoy episode 5.

We sat down to talk about various things last night. Everything from how wikipedia editing works to the importance of food to health.
We hope you enjoy episode 5.
Another week, another episode. I really am loving being back at this.
Anyway, today we talked about a few things, including an update on the post fire repairs, a discussion of why some people are jerks at work and if google is making us stupid.....
We hope you like Eipsode 4.
Hey I think we really are back to doing a podcast....
We started out by talking about comments by both Jim and Rachel from episode 2. This lead us into a discussion of gun laws in the states and the second amendment.
We went through a lot of stuff, we talked Christmas, we talked a bit about our son, Jon, and Isabelle kept accusing me of burping. I ended with a rant about the NHL lockout, not a rant so much as a lament really.
We hope you enjoy episode 3.
After today's events it is hard to have any words, (though I do at the end of this episode). So we tried to change the subject to some happy stuff. Isabelle started us out with a ukulele number. She bought it last week, at, of all places, Future Shop. I wonder if she can got the extended warranty....
Isabelle also talked about her progress learning Arabic, which is pretty cool. I have enough trouble with English...
And, as promised, at the end I rant about guns, gun culture and why you can't carry mustard gas around with you.
Let us know how you like Episode 2.
After our hugely successful Canadian National Day of Podcasting edpisode of our old show, Broca's Area, we decided to return. That's right we're back. It's Broken Area! Basically we have gone back to the just talking about stuff. This episode we talked about relationships, our new Ford Escape and HOW OUR HOUSE ALMOST BURNED DOWN. So, that was an event filled episode. Be sure to email Isabelle and tell her you like the show or ask any questions. You can also, of course follow me on twitter. Oh yeah, comments are of course welcome.
We will eventually have our own domain and feed for the show, but for now it will live here.
We hope you like episode 1.