Broken Area - Episode 1, We're Back, and Our Dryer Is On Fire

After our hugely successful Canadian National Day of Podcasting edpisode of our old show, Broca's Area, we decided to return. That's right we're back. It's Broken Area! Basically we have gone back to the just talking about stuff. This episode we talked about relationships, our new Ford Escape and HOW OUR HOUSE ALMOST BURNED DOWN. So, that was an event filled episode. Be sure to email Isabelle and tell her you like the show or ask any questions. You can also, of course follow me on twitter. Oh yeah, comments are of course welcome.
We will eventually have our own domain and feed for the show, but for now it will live here.
We hope you like episode 1.

Broken Area,
Dave Brodbeck,
Isabelle Michaud,
Podcast in
Broken Area,

Reader Comments (2)
Yay, you're back!
(I'm sorry to hear about your dryer. I've always been unreasonably afraid of fire, so YIKES!)
Also, Happy Chanukah!
Yup, and it is only appropriate that the first comment is from you! The whole thing was scary and oddly almost comical. (Note I said 'almost' comical...)