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    Kursk 2.0 (Dave and Dan 'cast 13)


    Yeah we're back. 

    The time between updates is all on me.

    So there are German tanks in Kursk, and this time it's cool.

    Is there any more stark reminder of the difference between UKR and RUS fighters (I kind of don't want to call RUS military 'soldiers' as I think there is some honour in soldiering, and I don't think they have much) than how they treat occupied people?

    One of the big differences between a Western (NATO standard) military and say RUS or any other third rate bunch or hooligans, is that in the West we allow NCOs and Jr. officers to actually make decisions.  In a place like Russia you can't let that happen, as at some point a captain or a major will think he has some sort of power.  Of course if he's any good he just wants to keep his boys alive, but you can't have initiative!

    Prepare for a referendum!

    We urge you to help, How? well, there's the Red CrossUNCR and UNICEF.


    Episode 13

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