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    Entries in Armenia (1)


    Doomed to Progress (Dave and Dan 'cast 03)

    Yerevan and Sault Ste. Marie connected again today.  I wonder, was anyone else from here talking to someone from there today?  

    Today Dan and I talked about the Medvedev years, and I struggled to proberly pronounce his name.   Dan promises to teach me a little Russian once he is allowed to come to Canada.

    We seem to have nailed down when I would leave, and it's the Georgia war.

    I plugged my twitter handle, while Dan said 'please be attentive to politics' which, really, is better than me plugging my twitter handle.

    I swear we're going to get a website and our own feed.

    Again, we urge you to give to the UNHCR and the Red Cross.

    Episode 3