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    Entries in Ukraine War (2)


    Six Months (Dave and Dan 'Cast 09)

    It's the six month anniversary of Putin's illegal attack on Ukraine.

    So, we thought we'd talk about that a bit.

    Would visa denials to Russians work?  (We have different ideas here).

    How would Putin be overthrown?

    Have you given money to the people of Ukraine yet?  Daniil has, I have, you should too.

    Oh, how do you do that?  Well, there's the Red Cross, UNCR and UNICEF.

    Episode 9


    ReStalinization (Dave and Dan 'cast 07)

    We're back with greetings from Sault Ste. Marie, Yerevan, and points beyond.

    We talked about national myths.

    We talked abotu propoganda.

    We talked about looking forward vs. looking back.

    I learned the word for bird in Russian.

    Please give to the UNHCR and/or the Red Cross.

    Episode 7