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    Psychology 3106 and Biology/Psychology 2606 Course Materials

    They are available here, click on the appropriate link on top of the page.  I think the title is almost as long as this post......


    In Response to 'One Pissed Off Mother'

    By now you have probably heard about the horrible excuse for a human being  who wrote a hateful letter to the family of Max, a kid with autism.  I linked there to the story of the letter written by this waste of skin and about how twitter has responded.  More importantly of course, his neighbourhood has responded, they like Max.  He is part of the community.  Seeing other kids high five him on the news, and seeing how they clearly meant it made most of us feel good, and Max seemed into it. 

    Most people are pretty good about disabilities nowadays, indeed, our son, Jon, has never had anything bad happen in school from classmates.  There have been misunderstandings (see an earlier post of mine about Jon's art) but generally the school has been excellent.

    Today we were out getting a couple of games at EB and the guy there was awesome, he talked to Jon, Jon kept trying to pre order COD:Ghosts, and the guy at EB said 'It is an M rated game, you can't have it without ID'.  It was cool.  (As an aside, the guys at EB here are great with most anyone, I have seen them interact with all types of people with all kinds of disabilites, always with class, good on them).

    In our neighbourhood people know Jon, they say hi.  At the mall Jon saw one of his teachers, he said hi, the guy responded all happily 'Hi Jon!'  

    So you see 'Pissed Off Mother' you are the one with the fucking problem.  Most everyone else in the society we live in is just fine with people who are different.  

    Oh, and from One Proud Father to One Pissed Off Mother, fuck off.


    My Talk at the Conference on Comparative Cognition


    Giving my talk, photo credit Chris Sturdy

    So, last week I spoke at CO3 in Melbourne, Florida.  Some of the students in Memory and Brain and Behaviour asked me to record it, so, umm, here it is.

    I was introduced by Ken Cheng, which is fun.

    Music “Hundred Times Over” by Private Joker

    Powerpoint slides

    Listen Now


    Broken Area Now Has Its Own Website

    Yup, it's true, we have our own website now.  I have imported all of the episodes from here to the new site.  The comments came along as well.  


    Broken Area - Episode 5, Hearts and Minds 

    We sat down to talk about various things last night.  Everything from how wikipedia editing works to the importance of food to health.  

    We hope you enjoy episode 5.

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